News From, (One of The Many) “Guardians of Reality!”

‘New World Order’ TSA/Gestapo Thugs, Harasses Ron Paul, (and His Wife) In Florida — TSA Takes Over Bus Station In Tampa, DHS Agents Threaten Journalists — Hurricane ‘Isaac’ Exploited To Acclimate (Slave) Citizens, To Federal Military Role During ‘Natural Disasters’

On this Wednesday evening edition of the ‘Infowars Nightly News,’ Aaron Dykes covers the news and welcomes contemporary artist; Kalen Ockerman (aka; “Mear One”) and, Derrick Broze to the show. Derrick is the founding member of The “Houston Free Thinkers” and is a radio show host of “Freedomizer Radio.”  
                    The Alex Jones’ Show: Wed. August 28, 2012
On this Wednesday edition of the ‘Alex Jones’ Show,’  Alex runs down the latest news news of the day, (See Links Below) including the latest, on kidnapped USMC veteran, Brandon Raub. He also covers GOP efforts at the RNC, to minimize Ron Paul supporters and their participation at the ‘dog and pony’ show, in Tampa, Florida. Also, Alex talks with Steve Quayle, radio talk show host, photographer and author of several books, including; “Breathe No Evil,” a primer, for understanding bioterrorism. Alex also talks with Doug Hagmann, Director of Field Operations for the “Northeast Intelligence Network,” an anti-terrorist website, developed in response to the September 11th, 2001 attacks. (See yesterday’s “Infowars Nightly News” for links and details.) 
                     ◊        TOP News Stories of The Day        ↓   
‘New World Order’ TSA/Gestapo Thugs,
Harass Congressman Ron Paul, (and His Wife) In Florida.
   On departing the RNC in Tampa, Ron Paul, his wife and grand-daughter, were subjected to ridiculous, (and totally UNcalled for) harassment by the TSA, at a small airport in Clearwater, Florida. Eight, (8) TSA goons, told the Paul entourage, they would need to be ‘screened,’ before being allowed to leave, … BECAUSE, ‘Mittens’ Romney, might be nearby. … The  ridiculous insinuation was quite obvious, — Ron Paul and his family, posed a ‘terroist threat’ to the GOP presidential, (Puppet-elect) candidate. Anyway, After a protracted examination of Ron Paul’s credentials, the agents demanded, that they also, be allowed to, “check the airplane for explosives.” The incident ended, after Ron Paul’s wife Carol, (who has an implanted heart pacemaker) adamantly refused, to be “screened,” (or Groped”) by the Transportation “Security” A-Holes, while an aide started taking video. … (Grab, The ‘Rest of This Story,’ HERE!)
NATO Plot To Use Ambulances As Cover For Humanitarian Invasion of Syria: 
False flag chemical weapons attack to frame Assad finalized.
Destroying Internet Freedom by Taxation: Who can be against extending the total Google/Facebook surveillance society at taxpayers’ expense?
VIDEOs: TSA Takes Over Bus Station In Tampa, DHS Agents Threatens Journalists: 
Reporters forced to show papers or be “detained for 72 hours” by Homeland Security.
High-tech “Police State Hardware” Rolled Out, At Tampa, For RNC: 
So much for the Secret Service claims, that drones won’t be used, during the event.
Hurricane Isaac Exploited to Acclimate Citizen-slaves To Federal Military Role in Natural Disasters: 35,000 troops stand ready for deployment in wake of minor hurricane.
Marine Who Was Kidnapped, Over Facebook Posts: ‘I’m Scared For My Country!’ 
Brandon Raub makes first public comments following ordeal.
Dr. Peter Glidden Exposes Criminal History of the Failed Medical Model:
Dr. Glidden says MD prescribed medicine is the leading cause of death, surpassing deaths by cancer, car accidents, and serial killers.

Use “Start Page” (Privacy-Secured) Search Engine, To Referance Other News. 

3 responses

  1. Daniel Leach

    Reblogged this on Blog! and commented:
    New World Order’ TSA/Gestapo Thugs, Harasses Ron Paul, (and His Wife) In Florida — TSA Takes Over Bus Station In Tampa, DHS Agents Threaten Journalists — Hurricane ‘Isaac’ Exploited To Acclimate (Slave) Citizens, To Federal Military Role During ‘Natural Disasters’

    August 30, 2012 at 11:52 PM

  2. Pingback: Wake up or your screwed ! « The Daily Cheese.

  3. Pingback: TSA harasses people like YOU | Willingness To Learn

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